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U.M. García Palomares
Departamento de Enxeñaría Telemática, Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
Keywords: derivative free, bound constraint, multi processing, global minimum.
full paper (pdf) -
This paper is concerned with the search for
multiple minima of bound constrained optimization
problems. It is assumed that the optimization
model cannot integrate all the important
features which describe a system, and it is
essential for the practitioner to asses the
quality of several local minima.
The paper uses derivative free optimization
techniques for solving a sequence of
models in interior subdomains, also defined
with bounded variables. Conceptually, this
approach can be generalised to more general
problems and subdomains can be defined for
regions of different shapes. However, as a
first step in this line of research
problems with bounded variables are solved, because there
are some efficient serial and parallel
algorithms for their solution, and because it
is easier to convey the main concepts of the
approach described in this paper.
The scheme in unconstrained optimization is
as follows:
The algorithm works with a population
and each individual is surrounded by
a box, where an approximate solution,
identified as a discrete quasi minimal
point (DQMP), is located. These new exemplars
replace the old ones and the procedure is
repeated. To ensure convergence the accuracy
of the solution improves as the algorithm
In those cases where the solution of a
small box occurs at its boundary the box
is expanded and a new box surrounds the
individual. If necessary, this process
is repeated until an interior solution
occurs, which is obviously a solution to
the original model.
The algorithm can incorporate several
techniques, among them:
i) techniques usually recommended
for global optimization: genetic algorithms and simulated annealing,
ii) an estimate of a Lipschitz
constant that allow the removal from the
population of those individuals with large
functional values, and
iii) multi processing: each individual becomes the starting point of the algorithm that solves the BCOP inside inner boxes, and we can
use the
recent results on parallel methods for
solving a BCOP [1].
Two small problems are solved
to detect the influence of the many
parameters that must be known to start the
method. Fortunately, these preliminary
results seem to indicate that our approach
is not sensible to the choice of these
parameters; however, more numerical results
are needed before reaching conclusive
To conclude: This paper proposes an algorithm
that converges to multiple minima of strict
differentiable functions with multiple
minimizers, subjected to bounds on the
variables. Multi processing can be easily
incorporated using the latest techniques that
have appeared recently in the literature.
- 1
- U.M. García Palomares, I.J. García Urrea, P.S. Rodríguez Hernández, "On sequential and parallel non-monotone derivative free algorithms for box constrained optimization", Optimization Methods & Software, accepted, 2012.