©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
A |
195 |
acceptance criteria |
243 |
accident evaluation |
298 |
acoustic radiation |
218 |
acoustics |
189 |
active control of structures |
277 |
actuator |
239 |
adaptive tensegrity module |
239 |
added mass |
212 |
adhesion |
48, 140 |
adhesive joints |
141, 145 |
adhesively-bonded joint |
142 |
211 |
adjacency matrix |
266 |
admissible functions |
97 |
advanced analysis |
22 |
aerodynamic property |
135 |
affinity model |
248 |
age control |
40 |
Albanian seismic code 1989 |
200 |
algebra of distributions |
289 |
aluminium design |
267 |
aluminium foam |
259 |
aluminium structure |
172 |
aluminum alloy |
38 |
ambient vibration |
106, 196, 197 |
analysis of variance |
166 |
analytical model |
79 |
analytical solution |
185, 246 |
aneurysm |
188 |
annular |
182 |
annular plates |
96 |
38, 43, 164, 195 |
ant colony |
66, 71 |
applied problems |
62 |
applied software |
4 |
approximations |
167 |
arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method |
171 |
arch failure |
125 |
arches |
121 |
artificial accelerograms |
285 |
assemblies |
230, 297 |
assembling imperfections |
16 |
assessment of existing railway bridges |
112 |
asymmetric topology |
236 |
asymptotic |
89, 144 |
attenuation |
130 |
automated design |
160 |
automated node search |
234 |
automated structural design process |
234 |
automotive |
65 |
auto-parametric systems |
179 |
axial compression |
163 |
axial force |
161 |
axial vibration |
91 |
axisymmetric |
182 |
axisymmetric yield |
43 |
B |
back-to-back lipped channel sections |
33 |
ballast |
103 |
ballasted track |
130, 137 |
band gaps |
209 |
bar |
296 |
base connection |
5 |
43 |
beam |
12, 19, 76, 77, 282 |
beam element |
37, 151 |
beam structure |
84, 85, 247 |
beam theory |
57 |
beams |
79 |
beam-to-column |
34 |
benchmark study |
221 |
bending |
57, 182 |
bending loading |
119 |
bending moment |
161 |
bidirectional ground motion |
289 |
biomechanics |
188 |
black-box functions |
62 |
blast event |
274 |
block and tackle |
241 |
bond-slip |
151, 159 |
bottle |
270 |
Bouc-Wen model |
24 |
bound constraint |
63 |
boundary element method |
19, 208, 296 |
boundary integral equations |
227 |
braced frames |
198 |
bridge |
60, 79, 106, 109, 178, 291 |
bridge inspection |
112 |
bridging scale method |
252 |
brittle material |
126 |
BS EN 12767 |
272 |
BS EN 1317 |
272 |
272 |
B-spline continuity |
222 |
buckling |
1, 2, 6, 17, 18, 28, 43, 165, 166, 170, 205, 224, 279 |
building |
189, 190, 191, 192, 194 |
building acoustics |
195 |
building aggregates |
199 |
buttress |
125 |
C |
C0-continuous finite elements |
254 |
cable net |
241 |
cable structures |
240 |
CANDU fuel |
91 |
cantilever stairs |
127 |
carbon fibre reinforced polymer |
279, 282 |
carbon nanotubes |
99 |
cask |
273 |
catenary |
128 |
catenary action |
245 |
catenary power transmission |
138 |
cellular steel beam |
4 |
cement hydration |
265 |
change of frequencies |
82 |
charged system search |
82 |
chord failure resistance |
32 |
circular beam |
89 |
circular cylinder |
43 |
circular plate |
96, 182 |
civil engineering |
86, 87 |
classical laminate theory |
44 |
classical plate theory |
51 |
closed form solution |
239, 247 |
clutch |
147 |
coaxial joint |
140 |
co-evolution |
40 |
cohesive fracture |
145 |
cohesive law |
55 |
cohesive zone model |
170 |
cokriging |
230 |
cold formed sections |
1 |
cold formed steel columns |
25, 30 |
cold formed steel joints |
33 |
collision |
286 |
collocation |
101, 223 |
column base connection |
17 |
column removal |
13 |
columns |
29 |
column-to-beam strength ratio |
27 |
combinatorial optimization |
73 |
combined forces |
152 |
complementarity |
14 |
complementary energy |
126 |
complex variables |
227 |
compliant |
231 |
composite airframes |
56 |
composite beam |
57, 151, 153, 154, 251 |
composite connection |
156 |
composite laminates |
49 |
composite material |
52, 279 |
composite structures |
213, 279 |
composites |
39, 40, 43, 55, 101, 224, 280 |
compressibility |
61 |
computational fluid dynamics |
135 |
computer aided design |
272 |
computer aided detection |
120 |
concrete |
248, 261 |
concrete filled steel tube |
156 |
concrete slab track |
134 |
cone penetration test |
132 |
confidence bounds |
105 |
confidence level |
198 |
configuration processing |
266 |
conical shells |
163, 164 |
connection |
34, 36, 155 |
consequence analysis |
298 |
constraint |
66, 183 |
constraint handling |
67 |
constraint relaxation |
280 |
construction monitoring |
86, 87 |
contact |
146, 149, 170 |
contact forces |
108, 133, 139 |
contact laws |
116 |
contact mechanics |
129 |
contact wire |
128 |
continuation method |
275 |
continuous beam |
6 |
control commands |
239 |
control profile |
120 |
convergence |
226, 256 |
convex optimization |
269 |
core compressibility |
49 |
cork |
52 |
correspondence principle |
262 |
corrosion |
159 |
co-simulation |
129 |
Cosserat point element |
181 |
cost |
60, 205 |
cost optimization |
72 |
coupling |
93, 190 |
crack identification |
88 |
crack insertion |
150 |
cracked beams |
257 |
cracking units |
117 |
creep |
154, 157 |
crippling |
168 |
critical flutter load |
229 |
critical time step |
183 |
cross section |
160 |
cumulative damage |
162 |
curvature |
154 |
curve element |
222 |
curved fibre finite elements |
50 |
curved track |
138 |
cyclic analysis |
8 |
cyclic loading |
151 |
cylindrical shells |
165 |