©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
D |
damage |
58, 78, 79, 170, 291 |
damage detection |
76, 77, 82, 83, 84, 85 |
damage identification |
74 |
damage localisation |
75, 81 |
damaged structures |
257 |
damping |
64, 109, 252, 287 |
debonding |
46 |
deck |
157 |
deconstructability |
153 |
deflection |
42 |
deflection limit |
157 |
deformation response |
6 |
degree of rigidity |
5 |
delamination |
46, 55 |
demand capacity ratio |
244 |
derivative-free methods |
62, 63 |
design |
28, 60 |
design of experiments |
229 |
design rules |
267 |
design shear force |
243 |
diagnostic systems |
86 |
diaphragm action |
17 |
differential evolution |
277 |
diffuse-field excitation |
193 |
digitization |
242 |
dimensionality reduction |
216 |
direct multisearch |
64 |
direct optimized probabilistic calculation |
113 |
direct search |
65 |
direct strength method |
25, 28, 30 |
directional distortional hardening |
264 |
Dirichlet-to-Neumann map |
53 |
discrete element method |
119, 137, 249 |
discrete optimization |
71 |
discrete structural optimization |
283 |
discrete wavelet transform |
262 |
displacement-based |
24, 292 |
dissipative bracing system |
292 |
Distmesh tool |
220 |
distortion fatigue |
111 |
distortional failure |
30 |
distributed network |
120 |
distributed plasticity |
296 |
distributed plasticity frame element |
24 |
210 |
DOProC |
113 |
double cantilever beam |
55 |
double porosity |
250 |
drawer path |
36 |
drift design |
27 |
drop test |
273 |
ductile fracture |
170 |
Duffing oscillator |
253 |
dynamic analysis |
19, 23, 103, 106, 133 |
dynamic characteristics |
275 |
dynamic crushing |
54 |
dynamic graph products |
266 |
dynamic half space models |
174, 175 |
dynamic identification |
107, 180 |
dynamic loads |
18 |
dynamic monitoring system |
110 |
dynamic non-linear analysis |
24 |
dynamic parameters |
85 |
dynamic relaxation |
240, 241 |
dynamic response |
136 |
dynamic stability |
179 |
dynamic stiffness |
94, 99, 102 |
dynamic structural analysis |
225 |
dynamic train load |
109 |
dynamics |
189, 228, 252 |
E |
early age concrete |
265 |
earthquake engineering |
285, 287, 291 |
earthquake resistant structures |
287 |
earthworks |
132 |
eccentric loading |
163 |
effect of initial imperfections |
162 |
efficiency |
68 |
eigenfrequency |
89, 109, 228 |
eigenpairs |
93 |
elastic intermediate restraint |
6 |
elastic postbuckling |
15 |
elastic properties |
259 |
elastic support |
17 |
elastically supported structures |
95 |
elasticity |
144 |
elastic-plastic properties |
263 |
elastic-plastic truss |
268 |
elastodynamics |
148 |
electric potential method |
88 |
elevated temperature |
30 |
elimination methods |
59 |
elliptical |
29 |
embankment |
132 |
embedded elements |
186 |
end notched flexure |
55 |
end-bearing stiffener |
10 |
energetic solution |
58 |
energy absorption |
54 |
energy-based models |
61 |
enhanced strain formulation |
46 |
equilibrium paths |
127 |
equipped sleeper |
111 |
erosion coefficient |
26 |
erosion of critical bifurcation load |
26 |
erosion of post-buckled behaviour |
162 |
error estimation |
211, 297 |
errors |
80 |
ESO/BESO methods |
70 |
Euler-Bernoulli beam theory |
257 |
Eurocode 3 |
267 |
Eurocode 9 |
267 |
evanescent modes |
93 |
evolutionary algorithm |
60, 61, 68, 107, 135, 231 |
exact dynamic stiffness matrix |
95, 100 |
exact strip |
7 |
exhaust gas recirculation cooler |
211 |
expected risk |
298 |
experimental |
11, 79, 121, 147, 168, 261 |
explicit dynamics |
183 |
extended discrete element method |
249 |
extended finite elements method |
128 |
external pressure |
43, 163 |
F |
106 |
failure load |
141 |
fatigue |
23, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 128 |
fatigue crack propagation |
113 |
fatigue cracks |
162 |
58 |
fibre composites |
46 |
fibre discretization |
24 |
fibre reinforced polymer |
145, 281 |
fibre reinforced solids |
50 |
fibre reinforcement |
235 |
fibre-matrix conform coupling |
50 |
field measurement |
130 |
field testing |
202 |
filler beams |
109 |
finite element joint modelling |
31 |
finite element method |
1, 4, 5, 10, 12, 26, 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 57, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 84, 85, 103, 115, 120, 129, 137, 140, 142, 143, 145, 148, 152, 158, 161, 166, 172, 173, 183, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 208, 215, 217, 224, 227, 232, 238, 239, 242, 249, 255, 257, 262, 270, 271, 272, 273, 281, 282, 293 |
finite fracture mechanics |
141 |
finite strip method |
51 |
fire |
29, 261 |
fire evacuation |
298 |
fire risk |
298 |
firefly algorithm |
73, 214 |
first order plate theory |
47 |
first ply failure |
47 |
first-order shear deformation theory |
7 |
fitted zero-range model |
53 |
five layer beam |
42 |
flanking noise transmission |
193 |
flanking transmission |
194 |
flat slab |
245 |
flexible connections |
154 |
flexural |
282 |
flexural vibration |
91 |
flexural-axial loading |
160 |
flexural-torsional analysis |
19 |
fluid-structure interaction |
70, 211, 215 |
flying buttress |
125 |
follower force |
229 |
footbridge |
180 |
force density method |
240 |
force identification |
210 |
form finding |
242 |
foundation stiffness |
92 |
four point bending tests |
37 |
four-dimensional mesh generation |
148 |
fractional derivative |
276 |
fracture |
44, 128, 150 |
fracture fields |
126 |
fragility curve |
197 |
free vibration |
90, 92, 96, 98, 102 |
frequency based method |
76 |
frequency domain |
133, 186 |
frequency gap |
194 |
frequency response function |
70 |
friction |
147, 149, 241 |
full scale tests |
33 |
full strength connections |
13 |
fully coupled problem |
265 |
functionally graded |
94 |
functionally graded actuator |
45 |
functionally graded beams |
102 |
functionally graded material |
51 |
functionally graded plates |
223 |
fuzzy control |
277 |