©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
M |
macroseismic intensity |
295 |
macroseismic map |
284 |
magnetic methods |
86, 87 |
magneto-electric composites |
41 |
magneto-rheological damper |
278 |
maintenance of structures |
112 |
manufacturing imperfections |
16 |
masonry |
117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 235, 279, 281 |
masonry strengthening |
199 |
masonry vaults |
280 |
masonry walls |
119 |
masonry-like materials |
118 |
mass unbalance |
210 |
material non-linear problems |
187 |
material usage ratio |
234 |
materials selection |
65 |
mathematical formulation |
286 |
mathematical modelling |
42 |
mathematical programming |
14, 268 |
Matlab |
203 |
matrix operators |
225 |
mechanical testing |
48, 143 |
mechanisms |
231 |
medium velocity impact |
54 |
membrane |
238 |
membrane loading |
119 |
mesh adaptation |
148 |
meshless methods |
186, 223 |
metaheuristic search techniques |
71 |
metaheuristic techniques |
73, 214 |
metal foam |
42 |
metal plasticity |
264 |
metal tube tearing |
170 |
metallic honeycombs |
54 |
metamodel |
216, 230 |
method of fundamental solutions |
185 |
microactuators |
231 |
micromechanical modelling |
261 |
micromechanics |
250 |
micro-modelling |
116 |
microtremor |
174, 175 |
mid frequency |
217, 218 |
mild steel |
112 |
minimum weight design |
71 |
missing column scenarios |
243 |
mixed integer-continuous variables |
214 |
mixed mode |
55 |
modal analysis |
76, 80, 81 |
modal orthogonality |
93 |
modal parameters |
196 |
modal response |
74 |
mode interaction |
2 |
mode shape |
90, 92 |
model calibration |
80 |
model reduction |
191, 218 |
model updating |
107 |
moderately thick plates |
7 |
modular |
189, 190, 194 |
modular skeletal system |
283 |
moisture movement |
132 |
moment-rotation curves |
35 |
Monte Carlo simulation |
184 |
Mooney-Rivling |
188 |
moving loads |
79, 108, 225 |
multi processing |
63 |
multibody dynamics |
295 |
multibody systems |
129, 139 |
multicriterion design |
18 |
multidisciplinary design |
56 |
multilayered shells |
165 |
multilevel optimization |
230 |
multiobjective |
40, 66 |
multiobjective optimization |
64, 65, 83, 135 |
multiparametric strategy |
230 |
multiphysics simulations |
255 |
multiple fluid-filled elastic shells |
185 |
multiple parts |
65 |
multiple-point constraints |
251 |
multiscale |
39, 248, 250, 252, 253, 254, 259 |
multistorey |
191, 192 |
Mylar |
163 |
N |
nanoindentation |
259 |
natural frequency |
77, 78, 98, 178, 212, 229 |
natural mode |
178 |
n-dimensional loading space |
269 |
no tension material |
126 |
no tension model |
122 |
no tension structures |
124 |
noise |
105 |
noise and vibration attenuation |
208 |
non-conforming approximation |
149 |
non-conforming plane quadrilateral finite element |
256 |
non-conforming thin plate bending finite element |
226 |
non-conventional concepts |
56 |
non-convex quadrilateral |
226 |
non-destructive evaluation |
88 |
non-destructive testing |
186 |
non-domination |
40 |
non-Gaussian noise |
184 |
non-linear analysis |
4, 6, 10, 19, 38, 47, 151, 156, 240, 241 |
non-linear behaviour |
48 |
non-linear dynamic analysis |
20, 118, 169, 271, 290 |
non-linear eigenvalue problems |
275 |
non-linear elasticity |
260 |
non-linear mechanical response |
32 |
non-linear model |
281 |
non-linear numerical analyses |
274 |
non-linear optimisation |
84 |
non-linear programming |
269 |
non-linear static analyses |
290 |
non-linear systems |
184 |
non-linear torsion |
296 |
non-linearity |
2, 12, 17, 35, 153, 182, 224 |
non-local discrete model |
252 |
non-smooth mechanics |
149 |
non-structural appendages |
80 |
non-uniform torsion |
296 |
69 |
nuclear facilities |
202 |
numerical analysis |
5, 11, 115, 168, 265 |
numerical methods |
118 |
numerical modelling |
21, 42, 121 |
numerical simulation |
116, 128, 147, 215 |
220, 221, 222 |
O |
octahedral cell |
239 |
open and closed cross-sections |
11 |
open section |
12 |
open source |
203 |
operational modal analysis |
105, 173, 180 |
optimal contact surface |
146 |
optimal prediction |
253 |
optimal shakedown design |
268 |
optimality criteria method |
207 |
optimization |
27, 39, 60, 68, 124, 136, 201, 204, 206, 220, 231, 263 |
optimization criteria |
294 |
optimum design |
207, 232 |
optimum reinforcement |
160 |
optimum structural design |
73 |
ordinary differential equation solver |
92 |
organic design |
283 |
orthogonal polynomials |
90 |
orthotropic material model |
46 |
out-of-plane buckling |
3 |
out-of-plane loading |
48, 116 |
overlay |
157 |