©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
This volume comprises the contributed papers presented at
The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST 2012)
held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 4-7 September 2012.
The CST conference series began in Edinburgh in 1991.
The CST 2012 conference was held concurrently with
The Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology (ECT 2012).
The special sessions included in this volume of Proceedings are:
I am particularly grateful to the special session organisers.
The following sessions are also included in this volume:
Other papers presented at the conferences in 2012 are published as follows:
- The Invited Review Lectures from CST 2012 and ECT 2012 are published in:
Computational Technology Reviews, Volumes 5 and 6, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2012.
- The Invited Lectures from CST 2012 and ECT 2012 are published in:
Computational Methods for Engineering Science, B.H.V. Topping, (Editor),
Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2012.
- The Contributed Papers from ECT 2012 are published in:
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology,
B.H.V. Topping, (Editor),
(Book of Summaries with online delivery of full-text papers), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2012.
I would like to thank the members of the CST 2012 Conference Editorial Board
for their help before and during the conference:
Prof. H. Adeli, USA;
Dr J.M. Adam Martinez, Spain;
Prof. H. Adeli, USA;
Prof. S. Adhikari, UK;
Astt. Prof. S. Adriaenssens, USA;
Prof. C. Agelet de Saracibar, Spain;
Prof. J.F. Aguilar Madeira, Portugal;
Prof. E. Alarcon, Spain;
Prof. M. Amabili, Canada;
Dr L. Andersen, Denmark;
Prof. C.A.C. Antonio, Portugal;
Prof. T. Aoki, Japan;
Dr S. Arangio, Italy;
Prof A.L. Araujo, Portugal;
Prof. J.V. Araujo dos Santos, Portugal;
Dr R. Ardito, Italy;
Prof. A.J. Aref, USA;
Prof. F. Armero, USA;
Prof. J.R.F. Arruda, Brazil;
Dr A.F. Ashour, UK;
Prof. H. Askes, UK;
Dr C.E. Augarde, UK;
Prof. J. Awrejcewicz, Poland;
Dr L. Baeza, Spain;
Dr A. Bahreininejad, Malaysia;
Prof. J. Banerjee, UK;
Prof. C. Baniotopoulos, Greece;
Dr T. Baranger, France;
Prof. A. Baratta, Italy;
Prof. H.J. Barbosa, Brazil;
Prof. E. Barkanov, Latvia;
Dr M. Barkhordari, Iran;
Prof. R.C. Barros, Portugal;
Dr C. Basaglia, Portugal;
Prof. K. Bathe, USA;
Assoc. Prof. J.M. Battini, Sweden;
Prof. F. Bay, France;
Prof. Z.P. Bazant, USA;
Dr R.G. Beale, UK;
Prof. A.A. Becker, UK;
Prof. W. Becker, Germany;
Prof. G. Beer, Austria;
Dr S. Bellouettar, Luxembourg;
Prof. J. Bencat, Slovakia;
Prof. A.C. Benim, Germany;
Dr M. Betti, Italy;
Dr-Ing. C. Birk, Australia;
Prof. M.L. Bittencourt, Brazil;
Prof. Z. Bittnar, Czech Republic;
Prof. J. Blachut, UK;
Prof. P. Boisse, France;
Prof. F. Bontempi, Italy;
Prof. B. Boroomand, Iran;
Prof. H. Borouchaki, France;
Prof. P. Bouillard, Belgium;
Prof. M.A. Bradford, Australia;
Prof. F. Branco, Portugal;
Prof. D. Briassoulis, Greece;
Dr J. Brozovsky, Czech Republic;
Prof Dr M. Brünig, Germany;
Prof. J.W. Bull, UK;
Prof. T. Burczynski, Poland;
Prof. F. Buyle-Bodin, France;
Prof. D. Camotim, Portugal;
Prof. J.B. Cardoso, Portugal;
Prof. E. Carrera, Italy;
Prof. F. Casciati, Italy;
Dr G. Cederbaum, Israel;
Prof. A.H. Chan, UK;
Dr S. Chandra, India;
Dr D. Chapelle, France;
Prof. C.N. Chen, Taiwan;
Prof. W. Chen, USA;
Prof. G. Cheng, China;
Dr J.R.C. Cheng, USA;
Prof. J. Chenot, France;
Prof. G. Chiandussi, Italy;
Prof. F. Chinesta, France;
Prof. C.G. Chiorean, Romania;
Asst. Prof. T. Chondros, Greece;
Prof. C. Cinquini, Italy;
Dr P.G. Coelho, Portugal;
Prof. J.Y. Cognard, France;
Prof. A. Csebfalvi, Hungary;
Prof. M. Cuomo, Italy;
Prof. L. Damkilde, Denmark;
Dr K. Davey, UK;
Prof. S. De, USA;
Prof. R. de Borst, Netherlands;
Prof. G. De Roeck, Belgium;
Prof. G. de Saxce, France;
Prof. C. Desai, USA;
Dr D. Dias-da-Costa, Portugal;
Prof. Z. Dimitrovová, Portugal;
Prof. M. Doblaré, Spain;
Dr I. Doltsinis, Germany;
Prof. M. Domaszewski, France;
Dr S. Dumont, France;
Prof. L. Dunai, Hungary;
Prof. J. Eberhardsteiner, Austria;
Prof. A. Elhami, France;
Prof. A. Eriksson, Sweden;
Prof. R.E. Erkmen, Australia;
Prof. D. Eyheramendy, France;
Prof. A.J.M. Ferreira, Portugal;
Prof. F.C. Filippou, USA;
Dr A. Formisano, Italy;
Dr D. Foti, Italy;
Prof. A. Frangi, Italy;
Prof. D.M. Frangopol, USA;
Prof. M. Friswell, UK;
Prof. G. Gambolati, Italy;
Prof. C. Gantes, Greece;
Prof. L. Gastaldi, Italy;
Prof. V. Gattulli, Italy;
Prof. Dr-Ing. N. Gebbeken, Germany;
Dr M. Gilbert, UK;
Prof. R. Gilbert, Australia;
Prof. D. Givoli, Israel;
Prof. L. Godinho, Portugal;
Prof. F. Gonzalez Vidosa, Spain;
Prof. R.V. Grandhi, USA;
Dr G.A. Gravvanis, Greece;
Prof. M. Grigoriu, USA;
Prof. A. Groenwold, South Africa;
Dr Z. Guan, UK;
Prof. R. Guedes, Portugal;
Prof. P. Hajela, USA;
Prof. Dr-Ing habil D. Hartmann, Germany;
Prof. J. Herskovits Norman, Brazil;
Prof. G. Hofstetter, Austria;
Prof. G. Holzapfel, Austria;
Prof. O. Hopperstad, Norway;
Prof. T.J.R. Hughes, USA;
Dr L. Iannucci, UK;
Prof. A. Ibrahimbegovic, France;
Assoc. Prof. S. Ilanko, New Zealand;
Prof. I. Iskhakov, Israel;
Prof. C.A. Issa, Lebanon;
Prof. A. Ivankovic, Ireland;
Dr P. Iványi, Hungary;
Prof. S. Ivorra, Spain;
Prof. B. Izzuddin, UK;
Prof. K. Jarmai, Hungary;
Full Prof. H. Jensen, Chile;
Prof. M. Jirasek, Czech Republic;
Prof. M. Kaliske, Germany;
Dr E. Kameshki, Kingdom of Bahrain;
Prof. M. Kaminski, Poland;
Prof. T. Kant, India;
Prof. J. Kaplunov, UK;
Prof. A. Kaveh, Iran;
Professsor D. Kennedy, UK;
Dr A.I. Khan, Australia;
Prof. P.H. Kirkegaard, Denmark;
Prof. U. Kirsch, Israel;
Prof. M. Kleiber, Poland;
Dr P. Komodromos, Cyprus;
Prof. C. Könke, Germany;
Prof. L.Y. Kossovich, Russia;
Prof. W.B. Krätzig, Germany;
Dr J. Kruis, Czech Republic;
Dr A.S. Kwan, UK;
Prof. R. Lackner, Austria;
Prof. P. Ladevèze, France;
Dr N.D. Lagaros, Greece;
Dr N. Lam, Australia;
Dr Z.Q. Lang, UK;
Dr F. Lauro, France;
Prof. K.L. Lawrence, USA;
Prof. F. Lebon, France;
Dr C.K. Lee, Singapore;
Dr J.d.P.B. Leite, Brazil;
Dr C. Leo, Australia;
Prof. A. Leung, Hong Kong;
Prof. R. Levy, Israel;
Prof. R. Lewandowski, Poland;
Prof. R. Lewis, UK;
Dr Q. Li, Australia;
Prof. K.M. Liew, Hong Kong;
Prof. A. Limam, France;
Prof. A. Liolios, Greece;
Prof. J. Logo, Hungary;
Prof. H.M. Lopes, Portugal;
Prof. P.B. Lourenco, Portugal;
Prof. J. Máca, Czech Republic;
Dr R.I. Mackie, UK;
Prof. G. Maier, Italy;
Prof. C. Majorana, Italy;
Prof. H.A. Mang, Austria;
Prof. R.J. Marczak, Brazil;
Prof. S. Mariani, Italy;
Prof. Dr K. Marti, Germany;
Prof. M. Matos Neves, Portugal;
Dr E. Maunder, UK;
Dr Ing K. Maute, USA;
Prof. F.M. Mazzolani, Italy;
Dr C.T. McCarthy, Ireland;
Prof. T.J. McCarthy, Australia;
Prof. G. McClure, Canada;
Dr G. Mejak, Slovenia;
Prof. J.M. Mencik, France;
Prof. C. Meyer, USA;
Prof. A. Mikkola, Finland;
Dr G. Milani, Italy;
Prof. E.S. Mistakidis, Greece;
Dr C. Mittelsted, Germany;
Prof. A. Miyamoto, Japan;
Dr F.A.D.M. Moleiro Duarte, Portugal;
Prof. F.J. Montans, Spain;
Prof. R. Montenegro Armas, Spain;
Prof. E.V. Morozov, Australia;
Prof. C.A. Mota Soares, Portugal;
Prof. C.M. Mota Soares, Portugal;
Prof. J.E. Mottershead, UK;
Prof. Z. Mróz, Poland;
Prof. J. Murin, Slovakia;
Prof. G. Muscolino, Italy;
Prof. Y. Narita, Japan;
Prof. C. Navarro, Spain;
Dr L.A.C. Neves, Portugal;
Prof. L.F.C. Neves, Portugal;
Prof. G.P. Nikishkov, Japan;
Dr D.V. Oliveira, Portugal;
Prof. E. Oñate Ibanez de Navarra, Spain;
Prof. H.R. Ovesy, Iran;
Dr L. Pallares, Spain;
Dr F.J. Pallares Rubio, Spain;
Prof. P. Papadopoulos, USA;
Dr B. Patzak, Czech Republic;
Prof. C. Pearce, UK;
Dr C. Pellegrino, Italy;
Prof. M.S. Pereira, Portugal;
Prof. J. Petrolito, Australia;
Prof. Y. Petryna, Germany;
Dr Y.L. Pi, Australia;
Dr B. Picoux, France;
Prof. H. Pina, Portugal;
Dr J. Plesek, Czech Republic;
Prof. O. Polit, France;
Dr J. Pombo, Portugal;
Dr S.V. Poroseva, USA;
Prof. C.G. Provatidis, Greece;
Prof. F.G. Rammerstorfer, Austria;
Prof. O. Rand, Israel;
Prof. B. Rao, India;
Prof. M. Raoof, UK;
Prof. J. Reddy, USA;
Prof. Y. Ribakov, Israel;
Dr J.J. Ródenas García, Spain;
Prof. H. Rodrigues, Portugal;
Prof. Dr -Ing. habil R. Rolfes, Germany;
Prof. M.L. Romero, Spain;
Prof. G. Rozvany, Hungary;
Prof. U. Rueppel, Germany;
Dr D. Rypl, Czech Republic;
Prof. E. Sacco, Italy;
Prof. M.P. Saka, Kingdom of Bahrain;
Prof. E. Salajegheh, Iran;
Prof. W. Salvatore, Italy;
Prof. C. Sansour, UK;
Prof. L.M. Santos Castro, Portugal;
Assoc. Prof. E.J. Sapountzakis, Greece;
Prof. Dr E. Schnack, Germany;
Prof. B. Schrefler, Italy;
Prof. G. Schuëller, Austria;
Dr W. Sebastian, UK;
Prof. A.A. Shabana, USA;
Dr O. Shai, Israel;
Prof. J. Shao, France;
Prof. S.K. Sharan, Canada;
Dr M. Shariff, United Arab Emirates;
Dr Y. Sheng, UK;
Prof. J. Sienz, UK;
Prof. L.M.d.C. Simoes, Portugal;
Prof. L. Simoni, Italy;
Prof. S.W. Sloan, Australia;
Dr V. Smilauer, Czech Republic;
Prof. J. Souza de Cursi, France;
Prof. G.E. Stavroulakis, Greece;
Dr G. Stefanou, Greece;
Prof. G.P. Steven, Australia;
Dr C.C. Swan, USA;
Prof. C. Syrmakezis, Greece;
Prof. B.A. Szabo, USA;
Prof. K. Sze, Hong Kong;
Dr K. Tai, Singapore;
Prof. I. Takahashi, Japan;
Prof. I. Takewaki, Japan;
Prof. K.K. Tamma, USA;
Prof. J.W. Tedesco, USA;
Prof. R.A. Tenenbaum, Brazil;
Dr A. Tessler, USA;
Prof. G. Thierauf, Germany;
Prof. V.V. Toropov, UK;
Prof. J.R. Torregrosa, Spain;
Assoc. Prof. Y. Tsompanakis, Greece;
Prof. J. Turmo-Coderque, Spain;
Dr G.J. Turvey, UK;
Prof. R. Veldman, USA;
Prof. P. Venini, Italy;
Prof. G. Venter, South Africa;
Prof. Dr-Ing. T. Vietor, Germany;
Prof. W. Wagner, Germany;
Prof. M. Walker, South Africa;
Prof. X.S. Wang, USA;
Dr M.C. Weng, Taiwan;
Dr Q. Xiao, UK;
Prof. Y. Xie, Australia;
Dr X.F. Xu, USA;
Prof. Y.B. Yang, Taiwan;
Dr Z. Yang, UK;
Prof J. Ye, UK;
Dr W.d. Yu, Taiwan;
Prof. A. Zingoni, South Africa; and
Prof. T. Zohdi, USA.
Finally, I am grateful to Jelle Muylle for designing these conference proceedings
and for all his administrative and organisational skills in organising these conferences.
I also thank Dawn Sewell (Civil-Comp Press) for her administrative support.
B.H.V. Topping
University of Pécs, Hungary
& Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK |