©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
P |
pallet racks |
21 |
panels |
168, 190 |
pantograph-catenary interaction |
138, 139 |
parameter identification |
262 |
parametric |
189, 194 |
parametric study |
33, 171 |
partial strength connections |
13 |
particle swarm optimization |
67, 68, 85, 206, 216, 220, 277 |
passive method |
88 |
path |
36 |
PD5500 |
164 |
pedestrian ramp |
283 |
penalty methods |
183 |
perfect bond |
251 |
performance assessment |
291 |
performance comparison |
68 |
performance evaluation |
200 |
periodic sliding |
146 |
periodic structures |
53, 99 |
phase field method |
232 |
phononic materials |
209 |
piecewise constant level set method |
233 |
piezoelectric control |
45 |
piezoelectric film |
88 |
piezoelectric patches |
208 |
pitched roof frames |
3, 16 |
plastic collapse |
246 |
plastic shell instability |
164 |
plastic zone analysis |
22 |
plasticity |
204 |
plates |
94, 97, 101, 209, 223, 225 |
p-mean criterion |
238 |
PolyMAX Plus |
105 |
polynomial chaos expansion |
216 |
polyvinyl butyral |
173 |
population size |
68 |
poroelasticity |
250 |
porous material |
265 |
post-buckling |
10, 12, 28, 51, 167, 168 |
post-buckling strength |
8 |
post-critical response |
179 |
post-tensioned concrete |
60 |
potential energy |
237 |
pounding |
286 |
power series |
228 |
prediction |
174, 175 |
prescribed displacements |
237 |
pre-stressed cable |
125 |
principle of virtual displacements |
247 |
probabilistic approach |
284 |
probability |
207 |
probability of failure |
113 |
progressive collapse |
13, 243, 244, 245 |
propagation modes |
217 |
property distribution |
132 |
punching shear |
245 |
push-out tests |
152 |
push-over |
8, 22, 122, 123, 200 |
p-version finite element |
146 |
Q |
quadratic |
181 |
quantitative risk analysis |
298 |
quantity of interest |
297 |
quasi-brittle interfaces |
58 |
quasi-continuum method |
252 |
R |
rack |
26 |
rack-sections |
25 |
radial basis functions |
230 |
radiation |
219 |
radius of curvature |
145 |
rail corrugation |
136 |
railway |
107, 176 |
railway bridge |
103, 108, 110, 111, 112, 133 |
railway dynamics |
129, 139 |
railway traffic effects on structures |
174, 175 |
railway vibrations |
177 |
rainflow counting |
114 |
random variable |
113 |
random vibration |
184, 289 |
rational section's dimensions |
4 |
Rayleigh-Ritz method |
90, 97 |
reactor pool working platform |
288 |
rectangular cavity |
93 |
rectangular container |
90 |
recursion relations |
89 |
reduced integration |
46 |
reduced model |
206 |
reduced order modeling |
253 |
refined models |
247 |
refined zigzag theory |
254 |
refuelling cover |
288 |
reinforced concrete |
38, 72, 282 |
reinforced concrete building |
290 |
reinforced concrete columns |
161 |
reinforced concrete frame |
243, 292 |
reinforced masonry |
125 |
reinforcement |
124, 127, 280 |
relative stiffness |
7 |
reliability |
206 |
reliability based design optimization |
204, 215 |
reliability based optimization |
203 |
reliability-based design |
205 |
repeated loading |
162 |
research reactor |
288 |
residual force vector method |
84 |
residual stresses |
1 |
resins |
56 |
resistivity |
132 |
resizing |
27, 69 |
resonance |
109, 180 |
response spectra |
287, 288, 294 |
response surface approximation |
229 |
restraint |
29 |
retrofitting |
282, 283 |
rheological models |
276 |
rheological-dynamical limit analysis |
158 |
ribbon |
222 |
rigid block model |
117 |
rigidity |
35 |
ring-stiffened cylinder |
171 |
riser |
271 |
Ritz method |
75 |
riveted bridge |
114 |
riveted details |
112 |
riveted joint |
107, 115 |
robust design |
207 |
robustness |
13, 206 |
rods |
168 |
roman stairs |
127 |
rotation |
167 |
rotational stiffness |
5 |
rotordynamics |
210 |
roughness |
143 |
rubber-like materials |
61 |
S |
sandwich beams |
37, 49 |
sandwich components |
52 |
sandwich structure |
42, 64, 254 |
SAP2000 |
200 |
saving fabrication expenses |
162 |
saving steel |
162 |
scaled boundary finite element method |
44 |
scaling |
294 |
scenario analysis |
298 |
seated connections |
35 |
second order |
17, 167 |
secondary torsion moment deformation effect |
11, 296 |
seismic analysis |
21, 202, 289, 295 |
seismic design |
244, 287 |
seismic evaluation |
201 |
seismic isolation |
291 |
seismic reliability |
198 |
seismic retrofitting |
279, 290, 292 |
seismic vulnerability |
196 |
seismology |
284 |
self-adaptive |
40 |
semi-active control algorithms |
278 |
semi-infinite elastic foundation |
92 |
semi-rigid |
17, 34 |
semi-rigid joints |
21 |
semi-rigid space frameworks |
22 |
semi-trivial solution |
179 |
sensitivity analysis |
216 |
sensors |
239 |
separation distance |
286 |
sequential quadratic programming |
238 |
sequentially linear analysis |
58 |
series expansion |
89 |
shakedown |
134, 269 |
shaking table platform |
294 |
shallow shell |
98 |
shape optimization |
67, 135, 220, 233, 238 |
shear |
152, 165 |
shear connection |
151, 153 |
shear deficient |
38 |
shear strength |
10 |
shell buckling |
267 |
shell theory |
267 |
shells |
166, 169, 204, 221, 223, 228, 270 |
short and medium span |
109 |
shrinkage |
154, 157 |
shunt damping technique |
208 |
signal processing |
285 |
signal's random character |
284 |
silicon direct bonding |
143 |
simulation |
272, 273, 295 |
single lap joint |
141 |
singular velocity field |
258 |
singularity order |
44 |
size optimization |
67 |
skylight system |
274 |
sliding splice |
36 |
sliding wear |
146 |
smart structures |
277 |
snaking |
2 |
snap-back |
58 |
softening |
150 |
software design |
255 |
soil defect impact |
120 |
soil-pile interaction |
293 |
soil-structure interaction |
17, 120, 201 |
solid-shell concept |
46 |
sorption isotherms |
265 |
space-time |
148 |
speckle shearography |
74 |
spectral analysis |
174, 175, 225 |
spectral density |
178 |
spectral element |
217 |
spectrum analysis |
130 |
spectrum-compatible accelerograms |
285 |
spherical shell |
228 |
splice |
36 |
splines |
260 |
stability |
12, 162, 183 |
standards |
268 |
standing wave modes |
93 |
static analysis |
122 |
statistical analysis |
83 |
steady-state |
146 |
steel |
29 |
steel caging |
161 |
steel concrete composite beams |
155 |
steel frames |
13, 18 |
steel moment frame |
27 |
steel railway bridge |
104 |
steel space frames |
71, 73 |
steel structures |
5, 21, 32, 34, 36, 274 |
steel viaduct |
107, 108 |
steel-concrete composite floors |
20 |
stiffness |
132 |
stitch |
55 |
stochastic loading |
207 |
stochastic method |
284, 289 |
stochastic reduced order models |
184 |
stochastic subspace identification |
197 |
strain energy |
77 |
strain gauges |
110 |
strain measurements |
87 |
strengthening |
38, 161 |
stress components |
57 |
stress concentration |
48, 140, 142 |
stress fields |
126 |
stress resultant interaction |
14 |
stress-constrained optimization |
235 |
strong discontinuities |
186 |
strong formulation |
225 |
structural analysis |
232 |
structural behaviour |
20 |
structural control |
287 |
structural coupling |
193 |
structural damping |
52, 172 |
structural dynamics |
23, 172, 217 |
structural health monitoring |
76, 83, 86, 87, 104 |
structural integrity |
288 |
structural modelling |
279 |
structural monitoring system |
111 |
structural optimization |
66, 69, 71, 205, 232 |
structural optimum design |
72 |
structural reinforcement |
180 |
structural system identification |
80 |
structural ties |
245 |
structural topology optimization |
236 |
structure response models |
174, 175 |
structure response spectra |
174, 175 |
structure weight estimation |
56 |
structure-borne sound |
195 |
stud connector |
152 |
Sturm-Liouville operator |
100 |
subgrade |
134 |
submarine pressure hulls |
164 |
submarines |
43 |
submodelling process |
115 |
subspace fitting |
81 |
subspace identification |
81 |
superposition method |
78, 98 |
surface energy |
143 |
surface waves |
132 |
surge motions |
271 |
suspension system |
241 |
210 |
Swiss codes SIA 269 |
112 |
symmetric topology |
236 |
symmetry operation |
236 |
system identification |
172, 173 |
system recovery |
179 |