©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
P.H. Kirkegaard1, K.A. Dickow1, L. Andersen1 and A. Sjöström2
1Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark
2Division of Structural Mechanics, Lund University, Sweden
Keywords: structure-borne sound, building acoustics, finite element analysis, ABAQUS, ANSYS.
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Low-frequency sound is a potential nuisance to inhabitants in lightweight building structures. Hence, development of efficient and accurate methods for prediction of sound in such buildings is important. For a variety of simple structures, analytical solutions have been established and statistical energy analysis (SEA) has in general been found to provide a reliable prediction of sound transmission. However, SEA is of limited validity for lightweight structures such as wooden floors and wall panels. Statistical energy analysis (SEA) and the European standard EN 12354 have been found to provide a reliable prediction of sound transmission in heavy structures, e.g. concrete buildings. However, predictions of sound transmission in lightweight structures using energy-based methods may be imprecise. Instead, recent research indicates that the finite-element analysis (FEA) can be used for prediction of sound transmission in the low-frequency range through such lightweight building structures.
This paper continues along the above line by employment of a fully coupled three-dimensional model of the acoustic field and a lightweight structure. The commercial finite element codes ABAQUS and ANSYS have capabilities for fully coupled analysis of structures interacting with acoustic media, thus allowing the analysis of structure-borne and air-borne sound. The aim of the paper is to compare the two commercial codes with regard to accuracy and the ease of modelling with a focus on the coupling between the acoustic field and the structure. Modal analyses are carried out in the frequency domain up to 250 Hz. In general the two codes deliver results with a good agreement, however for higher eigenmodes it was found that the ANSYS model was a little bit stiffer. This deviation could be because of the different coupling approaches used in the study. In the future analysis of the acoustic performance of lightweight buildings this issue will be subject to further research by the authors.