©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
G |
Galerkin method |
98 |
Gaussian noise |
184 |
Gauss-Lobatto quadrature |
149 |
generalized patch test |
226, 256 |
genetic algorithms |
59, 60, 61, 68, 84, 277 |
geometric irregularities |
133 |
geometrical non-linearity |
50 |
geometry optimization |
214 |
geophysical |
132 |
geotechnical |
132, 187 |
ghost forces |
252 |
global minimum |
63 |
global optimization |
62 |
global sensitivity |
213 |
global stability analysis |
31 |
graph theory |
100 |
graphene |
99 |
ground model |
132 |
ground motion |
287, 294, 295 |
ground vibration |
174, 175 |
group theory |
236 |
GSA 2003 Guidelines |
243 |
guide tubes |
288 |
H |
harmonic coupled finite-strip method |
158 |
harmonic wavelet transform |
285 |
harmony search algorithm |
72 |
hat-sections |
25 |
heat and mass transport |
265 |
heat generation |
146 |
heat production |
147 |
heat transport |
248 |
heave motions |
271 |
heterogeneous |
150 |
heuristics |
72 |
high performance implementation |
138 |
high performing computing |
203 |
higher order modes |
217 |
higher order plate theories |
96 |
higher order spatial derivative |
74, 75 |
highly undermatched welded joints |
258 |
high-speed train |
135 |
high-strength bolts |
153 |
historical centres |
199 |
Hoek-Brown criterion |
123 |
hollow sections |
31 |
holonomic constraints |
14 |
holonomic-plastic behaviour |
122 |
homogenization |
39, 209, 250, 259, 281 |
hourglass stabilization |
46 |
hp-FEM |
149 |
human comfort |
20 |
human induced vibration |
172 |
hybrid numerical model |
185 |
hybrid-Trefftz |
150 |
hydration |
248 |
hydrocarbon |
29 |
hydrodynamic mass effect |
288 |
hydro-thermo-mechanical analysis |
248 |
hyperelasicity |
181 |
hyperelastic material |
61, 188 |
hyperelasticity |
260 |
hypergraph products |
266 |
hysteresis |
24 |
hysteresis behaviour |
8, 278 |
hysteresis energy |
201 |
hysteresis model |
151 |
I |
ill-conditioning |
59 |
impact |
272, 273 |
impact load |
130 |
imperfection factor |
26 |
imperfection sensitivity |
15 |
impulsive loads |
287 |
in situ experimental tests |
174, 175 |
incompatible element |
187 |
incomplete data |
85 |
incompressible transversely isotropic materials |
260 |
incremental dynamic analysis |
159 |
indentation |
263 |
InDiCa tool |
138 |
indirect methods |
172 |
industrial optimisation |
216 |
inelastic inter-story drift ratio |
201 |
inelastic torsion |
296 |
infinite domain |
219 |
infinite order determinant |
100 |
influence on people |
176, 177 |
initial geometric imperfections |
166 |
initial post-buckling stage |
7 |
inner and outer cylinder |
270 |
inspection of structure |
113 |
instrumented turnout |
131 |
intensity indicator |
295 |
interactive buckling |
163 |
interface |
150 |
interior-point algorithm |
269 |
inter-laminar damage |
254 |
interpolation error |
251 |
irregularity |
290 |
210 |
isogeometric analysis |
220, 221 |
isotropic |
94 |
iterative procedure |
133 |