©2012 Civil-Comp Ltd |
T |
tailoring |
50 |
tall building |
69 |
tapered members |
3, 16 |
tensile strength |
126 |
tensile structure |
241 |
tension field action |
8, 10 |
tension stresses |
127 |
test equipment |
239 |
testing |
239, 295 |
tetrahedral element |
181 |
thermal |
147, 231 |
thermal barrier |
165 |
thermal loading |
51, 246, 247 |
thermal strain |
261 |
thermo-mechanical loads |
142 |
thermos |
270 |
thin disc |
246 |
thin film |
144 |
thin plate |
227 |
thin shell |
242 |
thin-walled |
12 |
thin-walled beams |
9, 15, 224 |
thin-walled components |
2 |
thin-walled construction |
162 |
thin-walled steel continuous beams |
28 |
thin-walled steel frames |
28 |
three-dimensional |
150 |
three-dimensional model |
138, 188 |
three-dimensional structures |
122 |
three-dimensional thinning |
234 |
Tikhonov regularization method |
232 |
time dependent effects |
155 |
time domain |
210 |
Timoshenko beam |
92, 102 |
Timoshenko beam theory |
257 |
T-joint |
55 |
topology |
39, 231 |
topology optimization |
70, 124, 207, 214, 232, 233, 234, 235 |
torsion with warping |
11 |
torsional shear correction factor |
296 |
torsional vibration |
91 |
traffic statistics |
298 |
train-bridge interaction |
114 |
transport |
176 |
transport vibrations |
177 |
transverse crack |
157 |
tripping |
171 |
truss |
68, 71, 82, 214, 234 |
truss arch |
241 |
truss structural optimization |
67 |
truss topology optimization |
236 |
Truss-Z |
283 |
T-stub |
34 |
TT and KK welded joints |
31 |
tubular intersection |
32 |
tubular steel-concrete composite footbridges |
23 |
tuned vibration absorbers |
80 |
tunnel risk |
298 |
U |
ultimate strength |
25 |
uncertainty |
105 |
uncertainty propagation |
213 |
underwater explosion |
171 |
unified formulation |
247 |
unilateral contact |
237 |
unilateral problems |
233 |
unit and interaction |
116 |
unreinforced masonry |
116 |
upper bound method |
258 |
upright |
26 |
user-friendly design |
162 |
Uzawa method |
233 |
V |
vacuum insulation |
270 |
validation |
37, 273 |
variable adjacency function |
266 |
variable cross section |
19 |
variable thickness |
246 |
variable-kinematic Ritz method |
96 |
variance based methods |
213 |
variational multiscale method |
251 |
vault |
127 |
vehicle dynamics |
131 |
vehicle-bridge interaction |
108 |
vibration |
78, 94, 99, 101, 137, 176, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 232 |
vibration fatigue |
111 |
vibration sensitive soil |
293 |
vibro-acoustic |
215 |
vibro-acoustics |
208 |
vibro-insulation |
176 |
virtual homologation |
139 |
virtual testing |
33 |
viscoelastic dampers |
275, 276 |
viscoelasticity |
52, 154, 173, 262 |
Von-Karman's equations |
7 |
vulnerability analysis |
199 |
vulnerability assessment |
197, 202 |