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L. Qiao, U. Zencker, H. Völzke, F. Wille and A. Musolff
BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Keywords: impact, simulation, cask, drop test, finite element model, validation.
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The safety assessment of new designs for transport and storage casks for radioactive materials is a challenging task accomplished using different methods such as prototype tests, model tests, calculations and analogy reflections. At BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing), the test procedures for the mechanical IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) test conditions often start with preliminary finite element (FE) calculations mostly with a small-scale cask model for verification of the proposed test cask instrumentation and test plan. On that basis the extensive test cask instrumentation is applied and checked. After that, a series of drop tests consisting of different test sequences is performed.
Following the drop tests, numerical post-analyses are carried out. These analyses offer the possibility of a detailed calculation and assessment of stresses and strains in the entire test cask construction. The calculation results have to be carefully compared with the measurement data over the impact history to find out all relevant parameters for a realistic simulation of the impact scenario. The desired ideal boundary test conditions often cannot be met exactly during the drop tests. Therefore, the numerical post-analyses are carried out by using the real boundary conditions of the drop tests. The objective is to find a validated model, where the results of the numerical simulations satisfactorily meet the experimental results.
Under test conditions according to the IAEA transport regulations, casks are usually equipped with impact limiters and dropped onto a so-called unyielding target. In general, it is difficult to verify a complex FE model by using results from only one drop test because of the complex impact process and the complex structure of such packages. After each drop test, numerical post-analyses should be carried out. Only if all drop tests were simulated successfully by using the same FE model under different test conditions, it is possible to obtain a validated numerical model for further investigations. In this case the results of the numerical simulations meet satisfactorily the experimental results. In this paper a study is presented, where the influence of different components on the cask loading is investigated systematically.